FMP Description Log

* Here is a word document surrounding my final major project and the tasks involved of what I would like include. We have been given this brief in the month of February. The planning of my final idea has taken me a week to finalize my general concept of my idea.

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FMP Unit 13 Ondre

As I have had changes that have surrounded my idea. I felt as though I needed to change the general concept of my idea because there were a lot of negative aspects that surrounded the production side to my overall idea. From the idea of the ‘Seven Deadly Sins’ I had decided to come up with a concept called ‘Monotony’. In short Monotony was a sequence that was achievable in the time period that I had left to work. Here is the new edited brief for my new piece of work labelled Monotony.

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fmp-unit-13-ondre new brief

I feel as though this was a necessary decision to make. Rather than creating a sequence relating to the Seven Deadly Sins. I thought it would be useful to use the pre-production from the sin of pride and create something new around that. General feedback that I had recieved from class peers were:

  1. “You have two weeks to film, edit and complete your written work. Make sure you work efficiently”.
  2. “As you have such a short time, know exactly what you want from the dates that you will be filming, and editing on so you don’t waste time re-filming”.
  3. “It is possible, finalize your ideas and make sure you don’t encounter the same problems that occurred whilst filming for your first film”.

Given these responses I had to ensure that the same problems did not occur. The stages will be included into my final evaluation.


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